If there is one overriding theme in the Bible flowing from Genesis to Revelation, it’s God’s redemptive story that centers around the coming of Jesus Christ.

Like a single thread in a beautiful tapestry, your story and mine, whether we realize it or not, are mysteriously inter-woven into God’s story. But unless you personally see yourself as part of God’s story, you’ll miss the incredible significance of what that story is all about and how it can impact your life not only for time, but for eternity.


God’s Original Design for Men & Women In Marriage, Ministry & Leadership

One of the major hot-button issues in the church today that rarely brings people together in unity, but more often drives people apart in disunity is the proper and biblical role of men and women in Christian marriage and ministry. It is an issue that has divided the church into warring factions over who is right and who is wrong — who is truly biblical in their understanding, and who is not. This is the exact opposite outcome from what Jesus pictures for his church in that great highly priestly prayer in John 17. And this disunity in the church must grieve his heart.

The Coming

This book is a book about the future–the future of our planet and the future of your life. It is based upon the writings of the ancient Hebrew prophets, and upon the teachings of Jesus and the apostles of the early church.
From the dawn of human history God has promised the coming of a Messiah who would rescue us and our world from the damaging and deadly consequences of our own rebellion against God as our Creator. That Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth.

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Seeing the Big Picture

If there is one overriding theme in the Bible flowing from Genesis to Revelation, it’s God’s redemptive story that centers

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The Promise

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH OUR WORLD?” I SOMETIMES THINK TO MYSELF. Maybe you ask yourself the same question. It seems that

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The Coronation

June 2, 1953 — the significance of the date was lost on me as an eight-year-old. But in London, England,

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